Root Canals

Root canals, often misunderstood but crucial for saving teeth, address infected or damaged pulp. This dental procedure removes the infected tissue, alleviating pain and preserving the tooth. Explore the facts, misconceptions, and importance of root canals with us as we unravel the mysteries behind this essential dental intervention. Root canal are dentals procedure that help saves a tooth when its inside become infected or damaged Here is a simple explanations of what happend during a root canal.inside each tooth, there’s a space called the pulp chamber, which contains nerve, blood vessel and connective tissue. Sometimes, bacterias can get into this space, causing infection and pain. the inside of the tooth is cleaned, the dentist fills the space with a special material called gutta-percha. This help to seal off the tooth and prevent further infection. Root canal are often necessaries when a tooth is badly  cracked, or infected. By remove the infected tissues and sealing off the tooth root canals help to save the tooth and relieves the pain, allowings you to keep your natural smile

Root Canals: Understanding the Procedure, Benefits, and Aftercare